Crossdressing Stories - Wife Turned Me Into BARBIE!

Published on Jan 24, 2024 by Tohka Crow

crossdresser to barbie

Bathed in the amber glow of the afternoon sun, I, Matt, found myself standing amidst the sea of textiles and couture creations. This was Alice's domain, a renowned fashion designer who ran her own successful brand. Her pieces were innovative and bold, challenging the norms of fashion just like she challenged the norms of life. I loved her, and I admired her, but today, my admiration was tinged with a longing that twisted my insides.

My fingers brushed over the expanse of luxurious fabrics hanging around the room, their textures igniting sparks of curiosity within me. "What would it feel like?" I whispered to the silence, my mind drawn to the possibilities that I dared not to voice aloud.

Amid the fashion chaos, a dress, sparkling in hues of pink and gold, caught my eye. It was the embodiment of Alice's ingenuity and the epitome of femininity. "How would it feel to embrace such elegance?" The question echoed within me, setting free a desire that I had been suppressing.

With a thudding heart, I slipped into the dress. Its silk lining caressed my skin, stirring a feeling of liberation I had never experienced. "Is this me?" I questioned my reflection, my mind torn between societal expectations and a newfound self-acceptance.

As I was lost in the silent conversation with my reflection, the sound of the door creaked open. Alice's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly masked it with a knowing smile. "Unexpected, but intriguing," she said, her voice radiating warmth. "Perhaps, Matt, it's time we explored this side of you." It was the beginning of an unanticipated journey, a metamorphosis that was about to reshape our world.

Alice's studio, once a testament to her sole creativity, transformed into a shared space for us, filled with laughter and playful banter. Each day she coached me, her hands gentle and her voice soothing, helping me navigate the labyrinth of femininity.

"Darling, remember to soften your voice," she reminded me one afternoon, her fingers brushing over my face applying a hint of blush. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at her, her eyes concentrated on her task.

"I'm trying, Alice," I admitted, my voice still too deep. I glanced at the mirror, taking in the sight of my makeup-enhanced features. The pink lipstick, the fluttery lashes, they were startling, yet something inside me stirred. "I feel...different. But in a good way. I feel free."

Alice paused, meeting my eyes through the mirror. Her initial discomfort towards men who crossdressed had evolved into a curiosity, and now, an understanding. "I never thought I'd be teaching my husband about lip liners and mascaras," she confessed with a chuckle. "But seeing you, Matt, seeing your happiness... it's made me see things differently."

Her fingers trailed down to a selection of wigs we had procured. Picking a chestnut one, she gently placed it onto my head, adjusting the locks until they fell around my shoulders perfectly. "It's strange, isn't it?" she mused, her gaze never leaving my transformed reflection. "Every time I help you into a wig, or adjust your dress, it's like I'm meeting a new part of you. And I'm falling in love all over again."

Our journey became a dance of exploration and acceptance. Each step, each twirl drew me closer to a version of myself I had only dared to dream of. And Alice, ever my guiding star, watched with warmth and support, cherishing our evolving relationship and the woman slowly emerging from within me.

I watched as Alice paced around her studio, a frown creasing her usually smooth brow. Her hands fluttered from one sketch to another, seeking inspiration but finding none. Finally, she stopped and stared at a blank canvas. There was a long silence, then she turned towards me, her eyes alight with a sudden spark.

"I've got it, Matt," she declared, her voice trembling with excitement. "Barbie. We could create an entire line inspired by Barbie, for men who wish to express their femininity."

The idea was audacious, bold, just like Alice. But the thought of being the face of such a campaign... the prospect was both exhilarating and terrifying. I was comfortable with my femininity within the confines of our loft, but to expose myself to the world was a different story. "Alice," I began, "are you sure about this?"

Alice came over to me, her hands gently cupping my face. "I've never been surer," she assured. "And I can't imagine a better face for this line than you, Matt. But only if you're comfortable."

Her eyes searched mine, her determination softened by her empathy. And in that moment, I understood the importance of her proposal. It wasn't about the brand or about creating an avant-garde fashion line. It was about empowering individuals like me who had been too afraid to express their true selves. "Alright, Alice," I said, taking a deep breath. "I'm in."

Chapter 2

We began our work, sketching and stitching, infusing life into Alice's vision. She would bring her sketches to me, excitedly describing how each piece would empower men to embrace their femininity. The Barbie line was not just fashion; it was a statement, a testament to our journey together and an invitation to others to join us in embracing their unique identities. With Alice by my side, I braved the spotlight, ready to face the world as Matt and Barbie.

Alice's vision finally came to life; a line of Barbie-inspired attire for men, complete with pastel dresses, delicate shoes, and matching accessories. Days turned into weeks of dedicated work, drafting designs and selecting fabrics until the products were ready. With everything set, Alice booked a studio for a photoshoot.

The day of the photoshoot was a whirlwind. The studio bustled with activity, makeup artists, lighting technicians, photographers, all working in a symphony of orchestrated chaos. As one of the artists started to doll me up for the session, I could feel my stomach tighten in anticipation.

"Deep breaths, Matt," Alice whispered, noticing my nervousness, and squeezed my hand reassuringly. "It's okay. You look stunning." Her words were a balm, calming my nervous heart.

The photoshoot began. The photographer's voice echoed, "Chin up, shoulders back, and work it, Matt!" I hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the studio's gaze upon me. But then, I remembered Alice's words, the exhilarating feeling of freedom I felt when I embraced my femininity. So, I took a deep breath, held my head high, and worked the camera.

Weeks later, the launch was an overwhelming success. Dressed in our evening best, Alice and I were sitting on our sofa, browsing social media reactions on her tablet. "Look at this, Matt," she said, her voice filled with amazement. "People are loving our line. The sales are through the roof."

She turned to me, her gaze soft. "Isn't it funny? It all started with you getting caught in my clothes, and now we're running this successful brand together." Alice leaned in to share a kiss with me, both of us wearing matching lipstick. As our lips touched, I realized how far we had come, and the beautiful journey we had ahead of us.

Crossdressing Stories in E-book format