Crossdressing Stories - Feminized By Girlfriend's Mother

Published on Mar 12, 2024 by Tohka Crow

feminised by girlfriends mother

Dawn unraveled, lacing the cityscape with hues of soft pink and gold. The light caressed the neat brick facade of the modern townhouse, where Jordan and Sophia had set up both their home and their first real workplace. The heart of the house, the kitchen, was a harmonious blend of urban modernism and cozy comfort, it's sleek lines softened by personal touches. The hum of the energy-efficient refrigerator provided the only soundtrack in the silent early morning, a silence deepened by Sophia's absence.

Jordan, barely into his twenties, was a man navigating through the intricacies of his first job. His boyish face, framed by a tousled mop of sandy hair and animated by thoughtful hazel eyes, had not yet lost its youthful earnestness. Abandoning his initial plans of becoming a software engineer, he'd jumped headlong into Sophia's family business, a rising startup focused on sustainable home decor.

Sophia, a year his junior, was the creative force of the operation. Petite and effervescent, she had a knack for breathing life into ordinary spaces, turning them into masterpieces of design. Her intuitive aesthetic sense resonated through their own home, where Scandinavian minimalism intermingled with the warm undertones of Bohemian accents.

Now, with Sophia away at a trade show, her mother Ruby was set to step in. The thought sent ripples of apprehension through Jordan. Ruby, not much older than him at just forty, was nonetheless a formidable woman. Having laid the groundwork for the business, she was its backbone, her tall stature and curvaceous figure a metaphorical embodiment of her strength. Her fiery red hair, now streaked with strands of silver, framed her face, adding an air of regal sophistication.

Jordan's heart quickened as the expected doorbell ring drew nearer, marking Ruby's arrival. He'd grown to love Sophia, but his relationship with Ruby was uncharted territory, a complex maze he was now tasked with navigating.

With a jolt that ran through his entire body, Jordan's thoughts were interrupted by the distinct sound of the doorbell. A pulse of anxiety throbbed in his temples. He took a deep breath, straightening his casual flannel shirt and running a hand through his hair in a futile attempt at taming it. Casting one last glance at the empty kitchen, he braced himself and stepped out into the sleek hallway leading to the entrance.

As he pulled open the front door, the sun backlit Ruby, causing her to appear even more imposing than he remembered. Her crimson dress hugged her curves, contrasting strikingly with her silver-streaked hair that fell around her shoulders in loose waves. Her piercing blue eyes assessed him in an instant, a flicker of acknowledgement passing through them.

"Good morning, Jordan," she said, her voice reminiscent of Sophia's, but deeper, more resonant. The corners of her lips twitched into a knowing smile. "I hope you're ready for a busy day." The assertiveness in her tone did little to ease Jordan's nervousness.

Swallowing hard, Jordan managed a polite smile, stepping aside to let her in. "Good morning, Ruby," he replied, his voice unexpectedly steady. "I am indeed. Coffee?" he offered, leading the way back to the kitchen, where the day's adventures awaited.

Days rolled into a week, and the dynamic in the house shifted palpably. Jordan was increasingly consumed by the business, spending countless hours poring over designs, supply chain complications, and customer communications. Ruby, in turn, had been managing the house remarkably well. She had a knack for keeping things orderly and efficient, much like she did when she was actively involved in the business.

One particular evening, Jordan was hunched over his laptop at the kitchen island, the soft white light illuminating his furrowed brow, when his phone buzzed with a call from Sophia. His heart leapt at her name flashing on the screen, but the cheer drained from his face as he listened to her. "Another week," she said, "there's been a mix-up with the shipments here. I need to sort it out."

His heart sank. A week's worth of backlog sat on his desk, unattended and piling up. He rubbed his temples, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on him. Sophia was trying to sound upbeat, but he could hear the strain in her voice. He didn't have the heart to burden her with his woes, so he simply said, "We miss you here, but take your time, Soph. Do what you have to do."

As he ended the call, Ruby walked in, a dishtowel draped over her shoulder. She took one look at his stricken expression and raised an eyebrow. "Spill it, kid," she said, her voice surprisingly gentle.

Jordan let out a heavy sigh, and gave her a brief summary of his predicament. Ruby listened intently, her piercing blue eyes never leaving his face. Then, after a thoughtful pause, she proposed a swap - he would handle the house chores while she would tackle the business backlog.

Jordan blinked, taken aback. "Are you sure?" he asked, unable to keep the doubt from seeping into his voice. "It's quite a mess, Ruby."

Ruby laughed, a rich, warm sound that echoed around the kitchen. "Jordan, I've handled bigger messes when Sophia was in diapers. Trust me, I've got this." Her confidence was reassuring, her resolve unshakeable. For the first time since Sophia's departure, Jordan felt a glimmer of hope.

The morning sun bathed the kitchen in a warm glow, and amidst the hustle of breakfast preparations stood Jordan, sporting an apron that was once Sophia's. His sandy hair was pulled back with a colorful band, a stark contrast to his usual unkempt look. The air was scented with cinnamon and freshly brewed coffee, a warm comforting aroma that felt like a stark contrast to his fluttering nerves.

Ruby, watching the scene from the doorway, chuckled softly. She crossed her arms, leaning against the doorframe, her eyes glinting with a mischievous light. "Well, well, Jordan," she started, her voice rich with mirth. "Who would have thought? You do make quite a pretty little maid. It suits you, don't you think?"

His fingers froze over the whisk he was holding, his heart pounding in his chest. Her words were teasing, yet they carried a subtle implication that threw him off guard. He could feel the heat creeping up his neck and flooding his cheeks.

He stuttered, fumbling for a reply, "I, uh, didn't really... I mean... It's just temporary, Ruby." His voice trailed off, unsure of how to navigate this unfamiliar conversation.

Ruby's laughter filled the room, echoing off the walls. "Oh, don't be shy, Jordan. You've got a knack for it, and I must say, the feminine touch does bring out a certain charm in you." She paused, her gaze thoughtful as she looked him over. "Maybe we should consider keeping you in this role, even when Sophia returns. You could be her pretty little secretary."

Jordan blushed a deeper shade of red, but he could tell that Ruby wasn't just poking fun. There was a serious undertone to her suggestion, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was how the dynamics would play out during Sophia's continued absence.

The dawn of Saturday brought a sense of excitement, the promise of a break from the hectic week. Ruby, with a sly smile, invited Jordan to join her on a trip to the city centre, under the pretext of running some errands. The sun was shining bright, casting long shadows on the cobblestone streets as they navigated the city buzz.

Arriving at their destination, Jordan was taken aback to see a chic beauty salon before him. His gaze shifted from the salon's sign to Ruby, confusion etched on his face. He began to protest, saying he would wait outside and do some window shopping, but Ruby cut him off with a chuckle, "Oh no, dear. After a week of hard work, I think you deserve a little pampering. I've arranged for you to have a session as well."

Before he could respond, a young beautician with a vibrant smile appeared, guiding him towards a separate room. The sweet scent of lavender filled the air, calming music played softly in the background.

"All set for you, sir," she chirped cheerfully, handing him a robe. "We've got a full pampering package booked for you – body hair wax removal, eyebrow shaping, manicure, pedicure and even a haircut."

His heart pounded loudly in his chest, eyes wide with surprise and a tinge of terror. This was beyond anything he'd imagined. He was rooted to the spot, the reality of the situation sinking in. Jordan was on a path of transformation, but this... this was a whole new level. His mind raced with panic, but at the same time, he felt a peculiar pull of curiosity. After all, he'd already stepped out of his comfort zone. The question now was - how far would he go down this path?

The sanctuary of the beauty salon was a realm far removed from anything Jordan had ever known. Filled with soothing aromas, dimmed lights and a hushed tranquility, it was a world apart. However, for Jordan, this world felt like an unfamiliar wilderness, filled with daunting rituals and strange customs.

The young beautician, her hands skilled and confident, guided him through each step. The sting of the wax strips, the careful sculpting of his eyebrows, and the process of the manicure and pedicure – each was a foreign experience in its own right. Her soothing voice floated above the soft background music, "Relax, Jordan. First times are always a little strange. By the time we're done, you'll feel reborn."

Despite her reassurances, Jordan felt like a lamb lost in a meadow, unsure of each step. His body felt foreign, altered. The final touches were the application of long, pinky-nude acrylic nails that added a sense of undeniable femininity to his hands and a gentle haircut that was styled into a soft, feathery bob that flattered his face.

The thoughts of Ruby and her proposition swirled in his mind throughout the process. The silk apron, this unprecedented beauty regimen – it was all a part of the journey of feminisation she was encouraging him to embark on. Anxiety, fear and an inexplicable curiosity gripped him. Could he adapt to this new, feminine facet of himself?

Ruby, seated in the waiting area with an untouched magazine in her lap, was deep in her thoughts. How was Jordan handling this new experience? Was she nudging him too fast, too soon? Yet, a part of her thrummed with anticipation, eager to witness his transformation.

When the door to the room finally opened, revealing Jordan, Ruby couldn’t hold back her smile. The glow of his skin, the polished arch of his eyebrows, the shiny, pinky-nude acrylic nails that made his hands look elegant and delicate, and the soft bob that subtly accentuated his face - the transformation was mesmerising.

"Jordan, you're beautiful," she confessed, her voice filled with sincerity. "See, it wasn’t as horrifying as you imagined, was it?"

Jordan, staring at his reflection, could hardly reconcile the image with his old self. He was at a crossroads, filled with confusion and apprehension, yet also possessing an unexpected sense of self-confidence. "I... I'm not sure, Ruby," he confessed, his voice barely more than a whisper. He was stepping onto a path he'd never envisioned for himself, but there was no denying the alluring transformation that was gradually unfolding.

After the sanctuary of the salon, Ruby led Jordan to the heart of the city, a bustling hub teeming with fashionable boutiques. Rails brimming with clothes in every imaginable color and style stretched out before them, beckoning with the allure of transformation. Ruby's experienced eyes scanned the selections, finally settling on a delicate, blush pink chiffon dress and a pair of high heels.

"Just try these on, Jordan," she encouraged, her voice a soft persuasion as she handed him the items. "Clothing has the power to change how we see ourselves."

Anxiety and anticipation danced a quickstep in Jordan's chest as he retreated into the sanctuary of the dressing room. In the embrace of solitude, he examined the items Ruby had chosen. The soft rustle of the chiffon dress, the solid reality of the high heels, each served as a stark contrast to his familiar, masculine wardrobe. They were milestones on a new path - a path of femininity he'd never envisioned for himself.

Slowly, Jordan disrobed and picked up the chiffon dress. Its cool, delicate fabric slipped over his skin, settling onto his frame in a gentle whisper of femininity. As he zipped up the dress, the soft pink material complemented his glowing, smoothed skin, transforming him in the mirror's reflection.

Next, he slipped into the high heels. Their initial unfamiliarity gave way to an empowering sense of height and posture. The combination of the blush pink dress, the high heels, and his new feminine haircut created an image in the mirror that took his breath away - he looked undeniably feminine, even girly.

Feelings of fear and uncertainty lingered, but they were now accompanied by an unexpected exhilaration and budding confidence. He hardly recognised the person in the reflection, but a strange part of him liked her.

Finally, he stepped out of the dressing room. Ruby turned and broke into a warm, genuine smile. "You look beautiful, Judy," she declared, her voice ripe with admiration. The new name hung in the air, an audible symbol of his transformation.

Judy? The name was unexpected, yet it fit the feminine image he now presented. It carried a girlish charm that ‘Jordan’ simply did not. It was another step away from his old self, yet he found that he liked the sound of it. He gave Ruby a tentative smile, accepting the new moniker with a quiet nod.

This path was unfamiliar, even a little scary. But for the first time since he'd started this journey, he felt a spark of excitement, a curious anticipation for what lay ahead. He was becoming someone new, someone he was only beginning to understand. Yet, he couldn't deny that he was intrigued by her. Judy.

The day was rich with novelty and transformation as Judy, donned in her new feminine attire, accompanied Ruby to a tastefully decorated restaurant nestled in the city centre. The soft, warm glow of the lights, combined with the murmurs of diners engaging in conversations around them, created an enchanting ambiance that felt as welcoming as it was luxurious.

Judy, previously known as Jordan, felt both nervous and electrified in her newfound persona. Her transformation was now on display, not just in the confines of a salon or a changing room, but in the open public. Despite the vulnerability this entailed, there was a strange thrill to it, a sense of venturing into uncharted territories that held an inexplicable appeal.

When the waiter approached their table, he greeted them with an amiable smile, "What can I get you, ladies?" The casual use of the word 'ladies' made Judy blush fiercely, her heart racing at the realisation that she had passed as a woman.

The waiter'ss assumption was a testament to the success of her transformation - her new feminine hairstyle, the blush pink dress that graced her figure, and the soft glow of her smooth skin, all worked in unison to paint a convincingly feminine image. She couldn't help but feel a rush of pride at her success in embodying this new identity.

As the dinner progressed, and Ruby asked for the bill, the waiter, flashing a friendly smile, inquired, "Would you like to order some dessert for yourself and your daughter, ma'am?" Judy was taken aback, a new wave of embarrassment washing over her, swiftly followed by a surge of pride. She was not only seen as a woman but a young one at that, even mistaken for Ruby's daughter.

Despite the sudden flush of embarrassment, there was also a wave of validation, of being acknowledged in this new identity she had embraced. It was an affirmation of her transformation, of the woman she was becoming. A sense of warmth spread within her as she shared a look with Ruby, her eyes conveying the surprise and pleasure she felt in that moment.

This was an unfamiliar journey, yet every step, every acknowledgment, every reflection in others' eyes was leading to a revelation. Judy was not just 'passing' as a woman, but living as one. Despite the initial fear and hesitation, she was embracing this new identity with a growing sense of confidence, comfort, and surprisingly, joy.

With a chuckle, Ruby leaned back in her chair, her eyes twinkling with amusement and pride. "Well, it seems I have two daughters now, and I couldn't be prouder," she said, raising her glass in a mock toast. Judy, despite her embarrassment, couldn't help but join in the laughter. It was a shared moment of joy and accomplishment that bound them together in a newfound bond.

In the days that followed, Ruby assumed the role of a mentor, guiding Judy in the art of femininity. From the subtle nuances of applying makeup to the grace of carrying oneself in high heels, Ruby bestowed upon Judy years of her wisdom. She transformed the act of learning into a fun-filled journey, her jovial and encouraging nature dispelling any tension or awkwardness Judy might have felt.

Judy was an eager learner, soaking up every bit of knowledge like a sponge. The way she held her brush as she swept blush across her cheeks, the delicate precision with which she applied her lipstick, the confident swing of her hips as she walked in her heels - it all began to feel natural, almost second nature.

Days turned into nights, and the two women found comfort in their shared companionship. Evenings were spent cooking together, with Judy learning not just to cook, but to appreciate the therapeutic nature of the process. Mornings were dedicated to yoga and meditation, something Ruby insisted would help Judy connect more deeply with her inner self.

With every passing day, Judy found herself embracing her new identity with growing confidence. She no longer felt like she was stepping into a role or wearing a disguise; instead, she felt like she was discovering a part of herself that had remained hidden and unexplored. It was liberating, empowering, and undeniably exciting.

And through it all, Ruby stood by her side, a guiding light and a pillar of support. As they navigated this journey together, they shared laughter, heart-to-heart talks, and countless cups of coffee, their bond strengthening with each shared experience.

Through this transformation, Judy realised that being a woman wasn't just about the clothes she wore or the way she styled her hair. It was about how she felt, how she carried herself, and the confidence and grace she exuded. And with each passing day, she was embodying these attributes more and more, becoming the woman she was proud to be.

As days turned into a week, Sophia finally returned from her extended trip. Throughout the duration of her journey, Ruby had been gently informing her about the changes at home. Subtly at first, dropping hints about Jordan's evolving interests, a shift in his roles around the house, and finally, his new identity as Judy. Sophia had taken the news with a mix of surprise and curiosity, intrigued by the transformation she was yet to witness.

When she finally stepped into their house, what greeted her was a sight beyond her expectations. She found a house more organized than she had left it, business problems sorted, and a strikingly different yet familiar figure waiting to welcome her. The shock on Sophia's face was evident as Judy, previously Jordan, greeted her in a floral sundress, her newly-styled hair framing her delicately made-up face, and her slender hands, adorned with pinky nude long acrylic nails, gesturing animatedly.

Ruby chuckled, leaning back in her chair, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Meet your sister, Judy," she said, gesturing towards the transformed figure. Sophia, after a moment of stunned silence, burst into laughter, her astonishment giving way to amusement. She circled Judy, taking in the details - the dress, the hair, the makeup, the entire transformation. And then, stepping back, she clapped her hands together, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes, sis?"

Judy blushed at the compliment, but there was a sense of validation in Sophia's acceptance. She no longer felt like she was wearing a disguise. She had become comfortable in her new skin, in her femininity. The journey of self-discovery she had embarked on had taught her so much more than she had imagined, and she was glad for it.

In the weeks that followed, Sophia joined the journey, becoming another mentor and confidante for Judy. The three women built a bond, not just of friendship and family, but of shared experiences and growth. And thus, the couple - Jordan and Sophia, transformed into the sisters - Judy and Sophia. While the change was undeniably challenging, it brought them closer, opening up an avenue for love, support, and understanding that was previously unexplored. They found strength in each other, forging a bond that was unbreakable, a sisterhood that was invincible.

In the end, it wasn't about changing who they were; it was about discovering who they could be. And in this journey, they found more than just a change in appearance. They found acceptance, love, and a deeper understanding of their identities. Through trials, laughter, and countless shared memories, they learned to navigate the complex yet beautiful journey of self-discovery together, creating a story that was uniquely their own. And they lived on, cherishing their transformation and the sisterhood they had forged, each day a new chapter in their extraordinary lives.

Crossdressing Stories in E-book format