Crossdressing Stories - Femboy’s First Time As A Girl

Published on Jan 15, 2024 by Tohka Crow

Blonde Femboy

Luke's fingers trembled slightly as he stared at the glowing screen of his phone. The message was brief, but its impact was profound, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within him. "Hey, it's Friday. Maybe you wanna hang out? - Greg." This simple invitation sent Luke's heart racing, a chaotic blend of panic and excitement coursing through him. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts, but they were a tempest too wild to tame.

He sat on the edge of his modest bed in the small room he rented in the city, a stark contrast to the quaint, familiar surroundings of his small hometown. Luke's first year at university had been a journey of self-discovery, one that allowed him to explore aspects of himself he had always kept hidden. In this bustling city, he felt a sense of freedom he never experienced back home. He had always been drawn to a more feminine style, but here, away from the judging eyes of his small town, he indulged in it. Subtle changes at first, but each felt like a bold step in uncharted territory.

But with this newfound freedom came confusion. Luke often lay awake at night, questioning his identity, his desires. He thought about Emily, his girlfriend back home. She was working at her parents' local business, living a life so different from his own. They had shared so many memories, yet now, they felt like distant echoes. He wondered what she would think of him now, with his slightly more feminine attire and his growing collection of accessories that resonated more with his true self.

The sound of a notification snapped him back to reality. Another message from Greg. They had been chatting for weeks, ever since Luke had mustered the courage to put himself out there on social media. Among the sea of messages he received, Greg's had stood out. There was a genuine connection, something that went beyond mere physical attraction. They talked about everything - hopes, fears, dreams. But as he read Greg's latest message, inviting him over, Luke couldn't help but feel he was teetering on the edge of something profound and terrifying.

"What the hell am I doing?" Luke muttered to himself, his voice a mere whisper in the quiet of his room. He had a girlfriend, yet here he was, entertaining the thought of meeting a man he felt inexplicably drawn to. "I'm just... figuring things out, right?" he reasoned, more to himself than anyone else. His heart knew the truth, but his mind was a battleground of conflicting emotions. He stared at his reflection in the small mirror on his wall, searching for answers in his own eyes. "What do I want?" he whispered, the question hanging in the air, unanswered.

The Preparation

Feminine Femboy in white blouse and black skirt

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Luke typed a response with fingers that still trembled slightly. "Okay, I'll come over," he sent, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum. Greg replied promptly, offering his address and a casual, "Take your time." But for Luke, time seemed to both race and stand still, a paradox of emotions churning within him.

He walked to the bathroom, his steps almost mechanical. Turning the faucet, he watched as the bathtub filled, the sound of rushing water echoing off the tiles, mingling with the tumultuous thoughts racing through his mind. He added some girly bath soak to the water, its sweet, floral scent permeating the air, a stark contrast to the masculine fragrances he grew up with. As he submerged himself in the warm, fragrant water, a temporary calm settled over him.

With deliberate movements, Luke began the familiar ritual of shaving. The razor glided over his skin, removing the unwanted hair, each stroke a reaffirmation of his burgeoning identity. The sensation of the blade against his skin was both grounding and transformative. As he shaved, each part of his body becoming smoother, he felt a sense of vulnerability he couldn't quite place. It was as if with every hair that fell away, a part of his old self was shed, leaving something new, something delicate and unexplored.

Feeling the smoothness of his skin, Luke's mind wandered to thoughts of femininity, of softness and grace. He admired the clean lines, the gentle curves of his body, now unobstructed. But these thoughts were not without conflict. He couldn't help but question his motives, his desires. Was this truly who he was, or merely an escape from the expectations that had always weighed him down? "Am I betraying Emily, or just being true to myself?" he pondered, his heart heavy with guilt and confusion.

He touched his skin, marvelling at the softness, feeling both empowered and exposed. This act of shaving, so simple and yet so profound, was a testament to his journey, to the exploration of an identity that had always lingered just beneath the surface. "I'm more than what people expect me to be," he thought, a sense of defiance mixing with the uncertainty. But beneath the defiance, there was fear, the fear of the unknown, of judgement, of making a choice that could alter the course of his life forever.

As he stepped out of the bath, his reflection in the mirror looked back at him - the same, yet fundamentally different. He was on the cusp of something new, something terrifying and exhilarating. And as he prepared to meet Greg, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was standing at a pivotal crossroads, one that would shape not just his evening, but perhaps his very identity.

Luke's routine continued with meticulous care. He washed his face, feeling the warm water cleanse away both grime and lingering doubts. Standing in front of the mirror, he took his razor again, this time to address the sparse facial hair he usually neglected. Tonight, however, he needed his face to be perfectly smooth, an unblemished canvas for the transformation he was about to undertake.

Luke gazed at his reflection, the clean-shaven face staring back at him was a canvas of possibility. His skin, tender from the shave, tingled as he applied the toner, the essence, and finally the moisturiser. Each step in his skincare routine felt like an act of nurturing, a way of caring for this part of himself that he'd only just begun to understand and embrace.

He touched his face lightly, feeling the smoothness, a stark reminder of the evening's significance.

Leaving the bathroom, he moved to his small, spartan room, settling into the chair in front of the mirror. For a moment, he just sat there, looking at his own reflection. It was like staring into the past, trying to recall the face of the boy who had left his small town behind. That boy had been uncertain, confined, playing a role that never quite fit. "Who was I back then?" he wondered silently. The memories felt distant now, like echoes of a life that belonged to someone else.

The thought of applying makeup, something he usually did with a light touch, felt different tonight. It wasn't just about looking good; it was a declaration, an exploration of his identity. He had always used just a hint of eyeliner, a subtle nod to the person inside who yearned for more expression, more freedom. But tonight, he was going beyond that. The thought both exhilarated and terrified him.

"I'm not just playing dress-up," he thought, his hands hovering over the makeup. "This is me, trying to find myself." There was a vulnerability in that thought, a fear of unveiling a part of himself he didn't fully understand yet. But there was also excitement, the thrill of stepping into a world where he could be more authentically himself, even if he wasn't quite sure who that was yet.

As he reached for the makeup, his thoughts were a mix of apprehension and anticipation. "What will Greg think?" he wondered. "What will I think?" This wasn't just about impressing someone else; it was about honoring his own feelings, his own journey of self-discovery. The act of applying makeup, once a furtive, almost guilty pleasure, was now a bold step towards self-acceptance. He was on the cusp of something new, something profound. And as he prepared to apply the first stroke of makeup, he felt a sense of crossing a threshold, not just in his appearance, but in his very understanding of himself.

As Luke picked up the foundation, his hand was steady, but his heart was not. Each stroke of the foundation brush was a step further into uncharted territory. The foundation smoothed over his skin, creating a flawless base, a metaphor for the fresh start he was giving himself. As he blended the foundation, he watched his features transform, soften, becoming something new yet undeniably him.

Next came the highlighter, its shimmer catching the light, accentuating the high points of his face. The glow it created was more than just cosmetic; it was like highlighting parts of himself that he had kept in the shadows for too long. He applied contour and blush with a careful, practiced hand, sculpting his face subtly, enhancing his natural features. Each brushstroke felt like a small act of defiance against the expectations he had grown up with.

The eyeshadow was a bold choice, a departure from his usual minimalistic approach. He chose colors that complemented his eyes, applying them with an attention to detail he never knew he possessed. The process was almost meditative, each color blending into the next, creating a look that was dramatic yet elegant.

With a deep breath, he began the foxy eyeliner, a style he had admired but never dared to try. The sharp, upward flick at the corners of his eyes was empowering, a symbol of the boldness he was embracing. It was a declaration, an acknowledgment of his own beauty and worth.

Attaching the false lashes required a level of precision and patience Luke hadn't expected, but he found the process oddly satisfying. Once in place, they transformed his eyes, making them appear larger, more expressive. A coat of mascara followed, merging his natural lashes with the falsies, a fusion of reality and the persona he was crafting.

His lips were the final canvas. Carefully, he overlined them with a lip pencil, creating a fuller, more pronounced shape. It was an act of reinvention, of seeing himself in a new light. Finally, he applied a red matte lipstick, a bold, unapologetic red that seemed to capture the essence of his transformation. It was more than just a color; it was an assertion of his presence, his identity.

Looking in the mirror, Luke hardly recognized himself, yet he had never felt more seen. The makeup was not a mask; it was an unveiling, a revelation of the person he had been hiding, perhaps even from himself. He was struck by a sense of completeness, a feeling that this was right, that this was a part of who he was meant to be. For the first time in a long time, he looked at his reflection and saw not confusion or conflict, but a glimmer of true self-recognition.

Luke turned his attention to his hair, which had grown past his shoulders now, a physical manifestation of the changes he had been undergoing since leaving his hometown. As he brushed through the soft strands, he felt a sense of connection to this more expressive version of himself. Each movement of the brush was like a stroke of acceptance, affirming his right to explore and express his identity in any way he chose.

"Is this really me?" he wondered, a trace of disbelief in his voice as he gazed at his reflection. The transformation was stark, yet it felt more authentic than he could have imagined. "I'm more than just labels and expectations," he murmured, his voice a mix of determination and vulnerability. The act of growing his hair out, once a mere aesthetic choice, had taken on a deeper significance, symbolizing his journey away from the rigid confines of his past.

With his hair now neatly styled, Luke began to dress. The stockings were first, a delicate, almost ritualistic process. As he rolled them up his legs, the sensation of the fabric against his skin was both comforting and exhilarating. It was a tactile reminder of the freedom he now had to explore the different facets of his identity.

Next came the red panties and bra, each piece a bold statement of self-expression. The color red, vibrant and unapologetic, seemed to mirror the intense emotions swirling within him. "Am I going too far?" he questioned silently, even as a part of him reveled in the daring choice of attire. The garter belt was a further step, an accessory that felt both empowering and intimidating in its newness.

Slipping into the red high heels, Luke felt a surge of confidence mixed with a hint of apprehension. The heels elevated him, not just physically, but emotionally, pushing him into a space where he felt both vulnerable and invincible.

As he looked at himself in the mirror, the reflection was almost unrecognizable. The person staring back at him was bold, beautiful, and unashamedly himself. Yet, beneath the surface, there was a tumult of emotions. Pride battled with uncertainty, self-acceptance with fear of the unknown.

"Who am I doing this for?" he asked his reflection, searching for an answer in his own eyes. "For Greg? For me?" The questions were complicated, tangled up in his journey of self-discovery. But as he stood there, in his red ensemble, he realized that, more than anything, this was for himself. It was an exploration of his identity, a celebration of his freedom to be whoever he wanted to be.

There was still fear, fear of judgement, of making mistakes, of the unknown paths his life might take. But in that moment, looking at his reflection, Luke felt a sense of authenticity that overshadowed the doubts. He was stepping into a world where he could be true to himself, and that realization was both daunting and exhilarating. With a final, affirming nod to his reflection, he prepared to step out, to meet not just Greg, but a future full of possibilities.

Hesitation and nervousness danced a delicate tango with excitement in Luke's heart as he reached for his phone. His fingers, adorned with the faint trace of red lipstick, tapped the screen with a strange sense of finality. Ordering the cab felt like setting a course from which there was no return. "There's no going back now," he whispered to himself, a mixture of fear and resolve in his voice.

Before leaving, he slipped into a short black skirt and a white blouse, the contrast of colors as striking as the emotions battling within him. The skirt was a symbol of his newfound freedom, the blouse a nod to the elegance he yearned to embody. As he adjusted his outfit, he couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought him here, to this moment of transition.

His small handbag, a simple yet significant accessory, was clutched in his hand as he stepped out of his room. Each step towards the door felt heavy, laden with the weight of the decision he was making. Locking the door behind him, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was also locking away a chapter of his life.

"I'm stepping into a new world," he thought, the click of the lock echoing in his ears. The small room he was leaving behind was more than just a physical space; it was a cocoon, a place where he had begun to unfurl the wings of his identity. "Am I ready for what's out there?" his inner voice questioned, tinged with both excitement and apprehension.

Read the Full Story

If you've enjoyed this story so far, and are curios what happens next, you can find the full story here:


Femboy's First Time as a Girl Premum Book

Femboy's First Time as a Girl - Key Details

"Femboy's First Time as a Girl" is a sizzling tale of Luke, a shy guy turned bold femboy, exploring his wild side in the city. He's got a hot date with Greg, where his deepest fantasies start to come alive. Amidst their electric encounter, an unexpected phone call from his girlfriend adds a thrilling twist to their steamy adventure.

This interruption only fuels Luke's transformation into the girl he's always yearned to be. Each moment with Greg is more intense than the last, turning Luke's journey into femininity and desire into an unforgettable ride. This story is a vivid celebration of first times, wild nights, and the courage to embrace your true self, complete with surprising turns and passionate discoveries.

📚 Key Features:

Format: PDF, optimized for seamless reading on any device. Length: A gripping 42-page narrative filled with passion and discovery. Themes: Femboy exploration, Gender transformation, Erotic awakening, Personal metamorphosis. Intriguing Plot: Join Luke on his exhilarating journey into the heart of the city where he explores his deepest desires and undergoes a stunning transformation. Unique Perspective: Delve into a profound exploration of identity, sensuality, and the liberating journey of self-acceptance and transformation. Engaging Narrative: A captivating blend of emotional depth, spicy encounters, and vivid character evolution.

🔥 Dive into the Thrilling World of "Femboy's First Time as a Girl" – A Spicy Tale of Transformation and Desire! 🔥 Immerse yourself in the tantalizing story that masterfully captures the essence of erotic exploration and gender transformation. This narrative is perfect for those fascinated by the journey of self-discovery and the awakening of hidden desires.

👠 Embrace the Adventure of Femininity Witness Luke's transformation from a shy newcomer to a daring femboy. Follow his journey of exploring femininity and desire in the city's intriguing landscape.

💋 Experience a Journey of Erotic Awakening "Femboy's First Time as a Girl" takes you on a passionate journey of first experiences and forbidden pleasures. Join Luke as he navigates his first electrifying encounters, pushing the boundaries of his identity and desires.

🌟 Insightful Look into Self-Discovery and Transformation More than just an erotic tale, this story is a journey into the realms of identity, bravery, and the excitement of embracing one's true self. It's a narrative that both enthralls and inspires, offering a fresh look at personal transformation.

📘 Get Your Copy Now and Embark on an Unforgettable Journey! Prepare to be enthralled by "Femboy's First Time as a Girl" a standout in the genre of femboy and transformation stories. Available now for those who dare to explore the depths of desire and self-expression.



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